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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How Whole Being Wellness Helps with Law of Attraction

In order to manifest our hearts desire we have to align energetically with the things we hope to attract and experience. 

We all have several "bodies" that work together - and in order to achieve higher vibrational energies it is very important to work to improve health on all levels.  When we are healthy, giving our body proper hydration, nutrition, and exercise our vibrations lift.  People who exercise regularly and eat right find they have boundless energy and can manage their time better because they don't have the "brain fog" or "dragging" feeling that many others have. 

When we don't use our bodies regularly we tend to suffer from fatigue, aches, pains, etc that drag our vibrations down.  When we are tired and chronically feeling ill or tired - the lower vibrational energies of anxiety, fear, anger, etc can take hold easier.

It is important that we start to recognize the benefits of whole being wellness - we need to exercise our body, mind, and spirit and learn to reestablish a connection.  What we do for one "body" also effects the others.  If you exercise regularly you'll find your mind is sharper and your mood is improved. 

Those who meditate and work with energy find they are able to assist the healing process of their bodies by consciously learning how to direct life force energy and raise to the vibrational frequency of healing.  This act of connecting spiritually and "plugging in" to source allows the mind/body to work together to facilitate faster recoveries from illness/injury etc.

When we sharpen our mind through puzzles or learning - we typically find a greater sense of well being and a creative "spark" or ideas start to flow.  When we trigger the mind through learning the process wants to continue - the mind loves information and wants more.  The mind also loves the expression of ideas - take time to creatively express yourself every day through a journal or art or music - whatever speaks to you.  You'll find that in doing so your thoughts/emotions flow more freely and you have less anxiety, pent up pressure etc.

The opposite is also true.  When we regularly eat junk food for example or engage in other bad habits that harm our body - our energy suffers, our mind becomes foggy, we start to feel the effects of lower vibrational energy through fatigue etc. 

Another example is when we watch too much TV or spend too much time playing games etc. it atrophies the mind and creativity - have you ever watched a long movie or stayed in front of the TV so long that you felt exhausted mentally?

Spiritually, when we don't take time to connect to the divine, we begin to feel "small" and disconnected - anxiety and fear take over and we feel at the mercy of the world around us instead of empowered.  Regular meditation or other forms of spiritual practice help us to feel that connection with our source, to recognize we are larger than our daily troubles etc.  Without that time to connect the little stuff can pile up.

All of our bodies are not "separate" but a part of one functioning whole.  Whole being wellness is vital in working with law of attraction because it helps us to properly align our energy.  The closer we are to aligning our whole selves with this higher vibrational energy - the better the universal energy can flow through us and help us manifest the life of our dreams.

Focus on your current habits and ask yourself what you need to do to shift to a higher vibration in your daily life.  Do you need to watch your diet/fitness levels? Are you tired all the time? Do you need to take more time to learn or exercise the mind? Do you spend too much time with distractions? Do you take some "me time" each day to recharge your batteries?

Take some time today to assess with honesty (not judgment or criticism) what you may be doing that is lowering your vibration and take small steps to make corrections for this.  Every positive thing you do will have positive effects on the "whole" - the "whole" of you and the "whole" of all of us because we are all connected :). 

I highly recommend activities that engage different areas simultaneously - yoga is a good example of an activity that helps you on all levels through physical movement and refocusing the mind on the "here and now".  I often practice meditation while exercising - it makes the time on a treadmill go faster and flow easier.  There are many techniques you can use to engage in whole being wellness - find something you love and let it raise your vibration.  

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